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Interview: Rep. John Garamendi
Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA) What Are You Reading? 2019
Interview with Senator John Garamendi
Exclusive Interview with Congressman John Garamendi
INTERVIEW: Congressman John Garamendi on U.S. ordering Americans out of Russia as tensions rise
Rep. Garamendi Says U.S. Has No Choice But to Pass Infrastructure Bill
US Congressman John Garamendi
Rep. John Garamendi: President Trump 'Is Clearly Obstructing Justice' | MSNBC
Biden is capable of four more years: Rep. John Garamendi | The Hill Sunday
Rep. Garamendi Says Trump 'Doesn't Have a Clue' on Syria Strategy
Congressman John Garamendi: Jobs and Veterans (8/6/12)
Rep. Garamendi Asks: What Are We Doing In Niger? | MSNBC